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response to Naomi Wolf :: essays research papers
     What current society directs ladies should look like has greatly affected typical ladies and how they believe they should loo...
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Hum M3 Jak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hum M3 Jak - Essay Example Values are determined by how someone estimates himself or herself – the level of one’s self-esteem and pleasure. According to Branden, moral values guide people towards the achievement of self-esteem and pleasure (Branden 32). Therefore, psychotherapists should emphasize on moral values to improve the self-esteem of their patients. Values relate to emotions because they are determined by how we think about ourselves, or judge ourselves. On the values scale, I scored medium importance in terms of power and achievement (4.2 and 4.7 out of 7 respectively). My score in terms of Hedonism, self-direction, universalism and benevolence was of high importance. This shows that I have above average value-judgment. In terms of cognitive empathy, I scored 23 out of 37, showing a moderate perspective taking. My score in terms of emotional empathy is 24 out of 37, indicating moderate emotional empathy. Lastly, the dispositional mood scale recorded a score of 4.0 out of 5. This indicates a high positive energy and affectivity as well as high
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
LAN Reliability and Availability Research Paper
LAN Reliability and Availability - Research Paper Example Organizations that have employed the use of Local Area Network, or LAN, can access information and resources of all persons and departments linked to the network. 1 It is important for the networked organizations to understand the various networking terms, conditions and systems operation in order to ensure that the system would not be compromised. In this manner, information would be available and reliable and serve the operational requirements of the organization. Since not all members of the organization would be able to understand the framework of the network, it is necessary to employ network administrators that would ensure the smooth operations and availability of the network. 2 With the network functioning properly, the organization can deliver their products and services to the consumer or end-user without restraint that can result from unpredictable network malfunctions. The network administrator should be the one with the appropriate training so that he/she could understan d the network architecture and impacts of specific system failures on the general network. 3 LAN refers to a â€Å"communication network, limited in geographic scope†. 4 The network’s hardware components are: a) transmission medium (e.g. twisted pair, fiber optics, coaxial cable), b) mechanism for control of transmission, and c) network interface (for host computers, devices or nodes of network). 5 To meet the requirements of availability and reliability, redundancy approach is usually applied in the system. 6 This approach uses a back up path for every connection so that recovery is possible when failure occurs. 7 Network Availability The ability of the organization to benefit from any network relies on the availability of the specified network. However, for a network to be available most of the time, it must be reliable in order to maximize its use within the infrastructure. Both reliability and availability of a network are interdependent. A network cannot be reliab le if the framework is not available to all the units or departments required to connect with it. Thus, both concepts must be handled together since one would affect the other and the organization in general. 8 Network availability refers to the fragment of time wherein the network is in service. 9 Availability of the network may fail if a disaster strikes, and in case of large-scale disaster, many link failures may occur. 10 Computer networks should establish the required infrastructure that would meet the needs of the applications that will be used. 11 Studies have indicated that one measure of the computer network performance is its availability. 12 The availability feature would be particularly important for applications used in banking transactions, e-commerce, and other online transactions. 13 The components of the network that may be prone to failure and affect availability are the a) hosts (e.g. clients, servers in different departments, middle level corporate servers, data tier corporate servers), b) interconnection equipment (including hubs, routers, switches), and c) individual links. 14 The availability concept has become more critical due to complex issues and interconnections distributed across numerous computers. 15 It is also dependent on the accessory devises included to make it functional. 16 Availability has always been an important characteristic of systems but becomes a more critical and complex issue
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Impact of the Internet on Political and Social Change
Impact of the Internet on Political and Social Change Placing the rise of the World-Wide Web in its historical context, assess the extent to which the Internet has been a force for positive social or political change. Word count: 996 words This essay deals with the extent to which the rise of the internet has been a force for positive social or political change when placed in its historical context. Considering the factors that have been influential on social change, it will then go on to assess the extent to which there has been an impact on political change. In addition to this, it will outline the counter arguments that oppose the positive development of the of the world-wide web, and assess the extent to which positive social and political change has been established.Then it will draw conclusions to evaluate the true extent to which the rise of the world-wide web has been a force for positive social and political change or to what extent the process has been hindered. Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who is credited with writing, at the time, his own private program for storing information that went on to form the main structure of the World Wide Web. As the source (Tim Berners-Lee, 2012 ) reads in 1989, he proposed a global hypertext project, to be known as the World Wide Web; it was to be designed to allow people to collaborate by combining their knowledge in a web of hypertext documents. He wrote the first Web server and the first client, a hypertext browser-editor and advocated to ensure that CERN would agree to make the underlying code available on a royalty-free basis, for ever. Two of the most significant impacts that the world-wide web has had in terms of being a force for social change is in the form of connections and communications. These networks are not a tool for concealment of identities, but alternatively, exhibition of a real person. There is a close connection between virtual networks and networks in society, meaning sociability is easily adaptable between reality and virtuality. (Castells, 1997) As Tyler (2002, pp.196) writes the internet allows people to more easily work from their home, to form and sustain friendships, romantic attachments and to manage bank accounts. They are also essential in enhancing initiatives to promote political and social-issue-based discussions with others in their communities from home, and to pursue other social connections. Academics have been hugely influential in providing evidence that the world wide web indeed enhances this sociability (Castells, 1997), (Rainie Wellman, 2012). Academic research into this has presented a positive correlation between the conitued use of the internet with indicators of personal happiness. Another impact that the rise of the world-wide web has had on social change is that it has increased the ability for all sized businesses to advertise. This means that regardless of its size every business can still play a role in shaping society whether thats by making us aspire to be something or making us want something. (Kumar, V., Gupta, S. 2016, pp. 302) reference Jaishri and Shruti (2006) by stating, Digital advertising has an ability to move markets and minds, products and perceptions. It builds a relationship between customers and brands. The world-wide web has also developed into a place where political change has occoured. As Kenski, K. and Stroud, N.J. (2006, pp. 174) identified, results they obtained from the National Annenberg Election Survey, studying the relationships of access online and relative exposure to information surrounding presidential campaigns and political value and engagement. Political efficacy is a determinant of political behaviour-without feelings of competency and beliefs that ones actions are consequential; one has little incentive to participate in politics. (Kenski, K. and Stroud, N.J. 2006, pp. 174) During the American presidential election, the social media site Twitter was used frequently by the two main candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. They shaped the perceptions of the people of America via the use of tweets against the other party to obtain popularity using powerful rhetoric. As (Graham et al., 2013, pp. 694-695) writes politicians who use Twitter regularly tap into the intimacy Twitter fosters. Additionally, social network sites develop reciprocal relationships (Graham, 2013) due to engagement through public input on political dilemmas. The rise of freedom and independence, has enabled the growth of the world wide web for mass communication and self-promotion purposes, politically and socially. (Rainie, and Barry Wellman, 2012). While the world-wide web has been a force for both postive social and political change, it has also become influential in a negative way too. The world wide web is addictive and this often means that people find themselves spending vast periods of time online. As Shotten, M. (1991, pp. 219 ) writes many early Internet users were computer hackers, who were characterized as preferring the machine to people. Often social outcasts, they turned first to the computer and then to the internet in lieu of people. Another reason why the rise of the internet has caused a negative impact in terms of political and societal change is people nowadays are more likely to make final decisions based off of what they see online rather than what their common knowledge tells them to. Digital technologies dont produce effects by themsleves, but instead form the platform from which these social and political effects can come about by altering the communication capacity. One significant societal change is the impact seen on communications and connections on an exponential level, enabling people and businesses to establish a physical presence. Additionally, political change can be seen through an increase in social media usage surrounding political events, through which participation and interaction with voters allows the candidates to assert power and mediate perceptions. Although, contrasting ideas such as the addictiveness of the internet, argue that the rise of the world-wide web has also been a force for change in a detrimental way with it being the cause of factors such as social outcasts and the damaging of peoples intellectual abilities. However, the rise of the world-wide web has most certianly had more of a positive impact than a negative impact on both pol itical and societal change. References: Graham, T., Broersma, M., Hazelhoff, K. and van t Haar, G. (2013) between broadcasting political messages and interacting with voters, Information, Communication Society, 16(5), pp. 692-716 Kenski, K. and Stroud, N.J. (2006) Connections between Internet use and political efficacy, knowledge, and participation, Journal of Broadcasting Electronic Media, 50(2), pp. 173-192. Kumar, V. and Gupta, S. (2016) Conceptualizing the evolution and future of advertising, Journal of Advertising, 45(3), pp. 302-317 Shotten, M. (1991). The costs and benefits of computer addiction. Behavior and Information Technology, 10, pp. 219-230 Columbia University Press (2012) Tim Berners-Lee. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition,. Available at: http://eds.a.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?sid=68ad9a68-9b77-40f1-ac06-702a6564089d%40sessionmgr4006vid=5hid=4205bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=39047085db=lfh (Accessed: 12 December 2016). Tyler, T.R. (2002) Is the Internet changing social life? It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same, Journal of Social Issues, 58(1), pp. 195-205. Castells, M. (1997) The information age: Economy, society and culture: V. 2: Power of identity. 2nd edn. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. Rainie, L. and Wellman, B. (2012) Networked: The new social operating system. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Friday, October 25, 2019
DAD :: essays research papers
Let me start by saying straightforwardly that the meaning of God is God himself. We must look at the meaning of God in God himself, not "outside" him. God is the fundamental meaning for the existence of the Universe, the creator, the supreme One: that is why everything exists. Why is something there? How did this universe come to exist, or others that might be? Why do we exist? For most people in the world â€â€scientists, philosophers, ordinary people,  the answer is because God-Existence is. If he had not existed neither anything else would. Of course, not everybody agrees that God is the origin of the universe. Although, because of our faith, there is no need of proofs of God's existence: if something exists, then it is because that God exists. God-Existence is an evident fact. What other theories affirm when they say that there is an eternal universe is, in fact, that God-Existence, I Am, has always been, which is true. The only difference would be to see this eternal Existence as Somebody, "personal," or simply as Something, impersonal. If we look at the Old Testament, the biblical God is a God, who plays an active and immediate roll in all the happenings of the world and in human life; a God who constantly intervenes and changes the laws of nature. In addition, if we look at the New Testament, the image of God is very similar to the Jewish conception of God. God is "inside" the world, not to make miraculous changes in it, but to give existence to it. He is involved in the whole creation and into human life, not to change the natural order or to "manipulate" the free will of men, but to keep everything existing, moving, alive and in order. A meaningful God does not mean that he will intervene in the physical and biological facts and processes of nature, or in the free actions of men. God does intervene for keeping them existing and acting, not to change them, at least ordinarily. God-Existence created, is always present and conserves the order, balance and harmony of the whole universe, human life included, for our welfare; we are the "beneficiaries" from this balance, order and harmony. God-Existence is the One who makes all these details of our senses and organs, of our mind and body â€â€which we usually take for granted, to function, and in a similar way He is the One by whom all these laws that govern the quantum, plants and animals, as well the stars and galaxies, never fail.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Copyright Law and University Policy
The pressures of academic success can be overwhelming to the conscientious student. Children are ingrained from the earliest ages that each test score will decide their future.The idea of the â€Å"permanent record†looms over them at every academic turn, and this pressure leads directly to the decision by some to cheat. According to a study by the Center for Academic Integrity, it was reported that more than 70 percent of high school students in the United States admitted to serious cheating in 2005 (Paulos, 2007, p. 11).This staggering number is evidence that academic dishonesty is not a problem relegated to a few bad apples, but it is a widespread epidemic that deserves closer analysis. After all, three out of four U.S. high school students cannot be bad students without regard for academic success.Quite to the contrary, many of these students who cheat do so because they do care about their academic success and often find themselves struggling to make the grade s, rather than learn the material. Even more than the fact that students cheat, is the design of the educational system that puts measuring education above providing one. But, the problem is not an easy one to remedy, especially with all the new methods of cheating available to students.However, regulations exist not only at the national level, but also at the university level, as copyright laws and academic integrity policies make copying the work of another a serious offense; the only difference between the two is that copyright law seeks to protect the work of its creator for financial reasons, while academic integrity policies are most often designed simply to dissuade or punish students that copy the work of others.Technology has taking cheating to a level previously unknown in education. The Internet offers students the ability to copy and paste information into a paper, whether a phrase, a paragraph, or a doctoral thesis.While some students are aware that they are plagiarizing, there are equal amounts that simply do not understand the rules of plagiarism. According to author Sean Price, the rules of plagiarism are not always clear-cut: â€Å"Many younger writers make this mistake because they don’t understand plagiarism’s ground rules.And learning these rules can be confusing†¦ It’s OK to borrow a well-known phrase, like ‘To be or not to be’ and not cite its source. Someone could start a story with, ‘To be or not to be on the swim team.’ That’s simply putting a twist on a famous line, not pretending it’s yours†(Price, 2005, p. 17). Some students also borrow too heavily from a source without meaning to, but ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for lack of academic integrity.And, for every student who plagiarizes accidentally, there are many more who do so intentionally. For both the unintentional copiers and the deliberate plagiarists, academic policies suc h as those employed at UMUC attempt to illuminate what is acceptable and what is not.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Problem Solving Paper Essay
There are many steps in solving any problem at hand. People think that it is an easy process, unfortunately it’s not. A process was created in aiding in overcoming obstacles that may arise whenever an individual has to solve a problem. Solving any problem requires creativity in finding exactly what the challenge is in order to find a remedy to the problem. Throughout this paper, I will discuss the numerous stages in the creative process and select a personal challenge that I had to deal with throughout my life and venture through the creative process in order to solve the problem. Brainstorming is very important when it comes to solving a problem. By brainstorming it allows an individual to have many remedies to a problem no matter how difficult it may be. A person’s mind must be creative but in order for it to accomplish this there must be a challenge. Looking at chapter 5 of the course textbook I found that there are four stages of the creative process which are searching for challenges, expressing the problem, investigating the problem, and producing ideas. Stage one- searching for challenges: Serving my four years in the United States Marine Corps provided me with a challenge when it came to leading and solving problems quickly. One of my personal challenges that I had to deal with was when I was in Manama, Bahrain. I was a team leader with second fleet antiterrorism security team also known as FAST. We were tasked with having to provide security at the United States embassy. Upon arrival I knew that we were going to be faced with some challenges. I was a squad leader in charge of 25 Marines under me. In the military there is no point in planning because at the end of the day plans fail and a person must improvise. Five days into providing embassy security my guys under me including myself was getting very sick from going outside into the heat and coming back into the freezing air of the embassy. I quickly had to make a decision on what I had to do to solve the problem fast. I set up a three-day post rotation splitting half my guys located at the outside and the other half located at post inside. I did this so it would minimize the exposure to the temperature changes that we were dealing with. A decision had to be made quickly on what needed to be done because protest was taking place outside the walls of the embassy and there could not be a lack when it came to security. Stage two- expressing the problem: For an individual to express a problem it takes a lot. At times it can be very difficult to point out a problem because of fear of getting into trouble. Bringing the issue up of my guys getting sick to leadership was a bit of a challenge because the Marine Corps do not like weak leaders. Leadership expects professionalism out of the squad leaders and they must depend on squad leaders to make good sound decisions. When I looked at the issue at hand it was a no-brainer I knew I would probably look weak but I was making a smart decision. If I wouldn’t had made a decision to prevent my guys from getting sick there would have been a lapse in security and that was an issue that was unacceptable to me and my leadership. Expressing the problem to my leadership gave me the confidence to go through with the plan and feel like I did the right thing. Stage three- investigating the problem: Looking at the problem I knew that it would be easy to implement the fix but I had to see if it was going to actually work. Now that we knew that going in and out of certain temperatures would make people sick we would know how to set up security positions with personnel that was available. The first three days didn’t go so well but after four days I noticed a dramatic difference in in the welfare of my Marines, including me. When I came to my leadership with the problem at hand and proposed the fix, they told me to really look at the problem and see if my plan would work. Upon investigation I concluded that the problem was fixed even though it took a little sacrificing. Fortunately, at the end of the day there was never a lapse in security and leadership was happy. Stage four- producing ideas: When coming up with a solution to the problem I checked with the leadership to make sure it was okay to implement my plan. Leadership told me not to over think the problem at hand, just come up with a quick fix to the problem considering we were only here for six months. Producing many ideas helped me have a choice of what I wanted to do. For an individual to come up with more than one idea gives an individual a broader choice, which makes solving a problem a whole lot easier. Being a leader is not hard to do; it’s about coming up with ideas, implementing them and leading from the front with integrity. Conclusion: Looking at and implementing each stage of the creative process gave me the opportunity to come up with a solution to the problem at hand. Making the right decision was important for me because it showed my leadership that I could perform under pressure. The creative process made me think of many ideas to the problem and what I had to do to fix the problem. If I would not have used the creative process the issue would not have been resolved. When you ask other people what their opinion is on an idea it shows a willingness to fix a problem at hand. Brainstorming is critical because it helps you come up with a solution and gives the individual many ideas on what they can do to fix the problem. Without the critical thinking process it would be difficult when it comes to solving problems. People depend on other people, but as long as you go through the steps of the creative thinking process anyone can find a fix to any problem that they may face in life. References Ruggiero, V.R. (2009). The Art of Thinking: A guide to critical and creative thought (9th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Write a Management Case Study
How to Write a Management Case Study How to Write a Management Case Study There are defined steps that must be followed when you are writing a Management case study. The main components will be the facts of the case and your personal response to it from various points of view. Topic You as the candidate must choose your own topic. Candidates are advised to discuss their proposed topic within their own organization coordinate any privacy or confidentiality questions. The topic must be somehow related to the organization and their business, where they have actively demonstrated their leadership skills. It is important for your management case study to demonstrate the correlation between practice and theory. Undertaking the Study Management Case Study Proposal The proposal to your management case study should include an outline of the proposed paper: point out specific objectives, rationalize your undertaking it, your methodology and supposed outcome. The proposal should be no longer than 1,000 words. Writing your Management Case Study The written case study should consider the following: What is the reason for presenting the topic? Ensure you give this answer within its context and convey the meaning of how important resolving the problem is. How did you determine the course of action, understand, get agreement to and implement the course of action/response to the problem, communicate, and how effective was the outcome? What did you learn from this problem solving action about organization, people, management, managing change, systems, etc.? Be sure to share your views illustrated and supported by the facts of the case. What kind of research did you perform? How did you go about examining and resolving the problem. Give clear and specific detail of how you managed it to conclusion/resolution? What kind of knowledge or skills have you developed through research? It is obvious that in this section you are intended to relate your personal experience. Be sure to support what points you state with examples that prove your experience, skills development and knowledge. The structuring of your management case study Obviously. How you present your paper is vital. The complete management case study should be around 2,500 to 3,000 words (excluding references). It must be appropriately referenced to relevant literature. Be sure to use the correct format style such as Harvard or any other you are instructed to use. Declaration You must include a signed statement that the work submitted is your own and has not been submitted for any previous assessment. Submission The written Management case study will be submitted with the appropriate Cover Sheet that includes the Candidate’s name, email address, Preceptor’s name and title of the paper.
Monday, October 21, 2019
A Useful Plan of a Linguistics Research Paper Writing
A Useful Plan of a Linguistics Research Paper Writing Writing process is always a complicated thing which requires additional analytical, critical thinking, and research skills. In addition, any academic paper demands a serious preliminary study. It differs both from the art or technical text, and from the journalistic article. According to the specifics of any paper, it requires the particular means of its creation. The words â€Å"research paper†fully characterizes contents and the primary objective of the statement: description of results of own research. The structure of the essay is subordinated to the fundamental objective of the research. The process of research paper writing is thorough and profound work. Thus, it demands the maximum concentration of thought and imagination along with specific knowledge and skills. However, it is easier to write the research paper when you have some guidelines which can help you highlight the possible directions for you. Is Linguistics Worth Studying? The linguistics is first of all the science about language. Such understanding means an examination of all aspects of the phenomena. Linguists seek how to simulate the unconscious knowledge of the native language by adults and development of the first language by children. They aimed at investigating the structure of the specific languages and human language in general, describing a variety of languages in the world, and, at last, studying how language influences our daily communication and in what degree it defines our perception of the world around. Linguists investigate how we master the native language, and how our knowledge of the language is connected with other cognitive processes, as it varies in different regions. Linguistics examines the structure of various language components (for example, sounds and word combinations) and their interaction, describes and explains a variety of language substructures. Many linguists are engaged in the field work, collecting material which allows them to understand better the concrete languages and human language organization. They work with carriers of the most different languages to investigate the particular phenomena of their grammar and/or to describe these languages entirely. Still, linguists use big databases (or cases) and perform well-elaborated experiments with children and adults at schools, in field conditions, and in university laboratories to understand better how any language works. What Is Linguistics Research Paper? Linguistics research paper is the independently written academic work which shows the ability of the student to analyze linguistics literature, empirical material (for example, words, idioms, phrases). In essence, it is the final stage of any linguistics course which includes the theoretical and practical knowledge obtained during studying. It is not recommended to limit your linguistics research paper only to the theoretical bases. The essential point of the whole linguistics research paper is creating a specific statement considering the chosen linguistics problem and describing your results obtained with the help of specific instruments: methodology, research methods, etc. Thus, it is obvious that the research paper is not the compilation of paragraphs from different Internet and other sources without any references. The Linguistics research paper writing is not an essay where you share the comments on the language destiny and/or meaning of life in a free form. The linguistics res earch paper is your scientific text where, except correctly issued quotes from works of other scientists, your analysis and your conclusions are the solution to a scientific problem. Why Is Linguistics Research Paper Important? With the help of linguistics research paper you learn how to: compare the different points of view on a stated problem; form an own position (especially concerning questions which seem to you general and irrelevant); analyze the facts (on the example of that small fragment of language which you will choose); state thoughts (in particular, according to the requirements of a certain style – in this case, the scientific one); follow the rules (technical registration of work, structuring material, etc.). plan (time, work, volumes); present the information logically. At last, a linguistics research paper is one of the most personal components of education. It is considered that you investigate the topic which is attractive and challenging for you; elaborate the problem important for you, and, therefore, you try to solve it in the best way. How to Choose an Ideal Topic for Linguistics Research Paper? Our Writers Advise Very often, the most difficult thing in writing is to choose the appropriate topic. Definitely, the success of writing the paper and completeness the thought statement in many respects depends on the right topic. Therefore, it is advisable to pay considerable attention to this issue. Try to define the sphere of linguistics you would like to study and then define the problem in this sphere which needs to be solved. At least, you will find a general understanding of the desirable topic. Also, you can ask your professor for help. No less important is to formulate an exact and specific subject, avoiding generalization. Good Topics Examples Specific topics and questions which solves the particular problem. Language as Semiotic System; Idioms and Their Transformation in Newspaper Headings; Semantic Fields as the Way of Language World Picture Realization; The language of Media as a Reflection of World Changes: Global and Local Vocabulary; Interpenetration and Interference of Terminological, Common, and Colloquial Vocabulary. Bad Topic Examples Too generalized statements which do not contribute to science and do not solve any problem. What Is Language? History of the English Language; Phraseologisms in the Arabic Language; How to Translate Terminology. How to Make the Competent Outline for the Research Paper? Planning and elaborating the structure is one more critical point of organizing and writing the linguistics research paper. If you do not take into consideration some essential rules for creating the outline, it surely will negatively affect the result of the whole academic work. In this regard, pay attention to the fundamental structure of the research paper which has to be followed strictly. On the basis of the structure, you will be able to elaborate on the helpful outline for your linguistics research paper. Structure of the Linguistics Research Paper What rules of the writing of the linguistics research paper exist? The main is that the research paper must stick to the established structure. Following the structure, it is possible to create an algorithm (the sequence of actions) of research paper writing. To write the excellent linguistics research paper, you only must follow the step-by-step instructions, relying on own experience, by many tests and mistakes. The contents of the analysis for different subjects can be different, but its structure always quite rigid. Any research paper surely contains the basic elements without which it is impossible to write a thorough analysis. Title (name of your work); Abstract (short summary of the task and subtasks which you will consider within your research; it should also include keywords the specific terms critical for your paper); Introduction (consists of the general statement of the problem, its exploration degree, and thesis which states the main objective of your research paper); Methodology (ways of obtaining the necessary material for studying); Research methods (ways of analyzing the obtained material); Results (your findings); Discussion (explanation and application of the theoretical knowledge in the field); Conclusion (includes the answer to your main question and generalized results); Recommendations (this section contains the explanation where the results of your research can be applied and how they contribute to the general understanding of the problem); Reference list (sources used for writing the paper). How to Choose a Methodology? There are plenty of ways which can be helpful in obtaining the material for further analysis. The method of field researches assumes collecting and the analysis of primary data according to the purpose of concrete research. Many linguistics studies assume use of primary information in various forms (for example, dialectal words, professional vocabulary items, etc.). To the most widespread methods of collecting primary information for observation, an experiment and poll panel, or focus group method. Observation is one of the possible ways of collecting primary data when the researcher conducts the direct observation of the persons involved in the analyzed situation, for instance, a communicative act. How to Choose Your Research Methods? Linguistics methods do not represent a uniform set of the principles, and ways of research, and the description of language entities. It is impossible to provide a sufficient explanation of linguistic methods for all linguistics or general scientific paradigms. However, it is possible to allocate methods, directed to the solution of problems of descriptive and theoretical linguistics and to proceed from some generalized ideas of the current state of linguistics and its methodical preferences. There are various research methods which can be helpful for studying any particular linguistics aspect. You are free to choose those methods which are the most suitable for your research. For instance, the distributive method is a method of linguistics research which implies the classification of language units and studying of their properties only on the basis of the distribution of the considered units in the speech, i.e., on the basis of their compatibility. By means of a final set of semantic components, it is possible to describe an unlimited set of lexical units. The technology of semantic multipliers allocation consists in consideration of words and allocation of some signs breaking words into different classes and semantic groups, for example, on such signs as animate/inanimate, male /female, etc. It is possible to mark out also more differentiated signs for classes of words, for example, animals, fishes, birds, people, etc. Thus, the value of each word is represented as a set of such semantic multipliers. The linguistic research paper also can imply the application of deduction and induction. The process of scientific research in such situation can be bidirectional: from the facts to entities or from entities to the facts. An inductive method of the organization of scientific process in a whole consists in collecting and documentation of the concrete phenomena (facts) with their subsequent generalization and transition from the facts to the entities which are their cornerstone. The deductive method as a starting point assumes, on the contrary, the postulation of entities based on certain assumptions and check of the reality of these entities for their compliance (or discrepancy) to the observed facts. Methods of differential calculus are applied, mainly, by consideration of such phenomena at which conditions language units and their properties continuously change. The following group of techniques is united by the approach based on the analysis of substantial characteristics of the speech. A specific place is taken by qualitative and quantitative analysis of the speech or language, so-called content analysis. Among methods of the content analysis, the methods developed within psychoanalysis are widely known. How to Find Sources? Information requires search on the Internet and work with files. Before starting writing directly, it is necessary to collect enough information considering the chosen topic. One of the main sources of information is, of course, the Internet. The worldwide network gives really huge opportunities for the fast, high-quality writing of the linguistics research paper. However, it concerns mainly the theoretical part, for writing the discussion section, because the methodology and results section require specific fieldwork. Moreover, it is advisable to find some information in libraries and databases. Despite the power of the Internet, it should not be considered as the only source of information for writing the linguistic research paper. The literature found in a library is capable of enriching your material considerably. List of valuable sources for a linguistics paper includes: Sharifian, Farzad. Cultural Linguistics: Cultural Conceptualisations and Language. John Benjamins Publishing Company., 2017. Becker, Annette, and Markus Bieswanger. Introduction to English Linguistics. UTB, 2017. Martin, J. R. Systemic Functional Linguistics. Routledge, 2015. How to Cite Sources Properly? Creating the reference list also has its specific features. Thus, it is recommended to address Owl Purdue Writing Lab which contains all nuances considering appropriate sources’ citing. Some Useful Reminder In the Discussion section, you can provide the history of studying the problem you chose, providing the information from the peer-reviewed articles. To write the Discussion chapter, you have to read the main literature on the subject of your research, formulate the main problems considered in works of predecessors, and state it in a condensed form with quotes. In other words, it is necessary to tell accurately and systemically what is already known on this subject. It is good if you manage to allocate various approaches to studying your language units, various understanding of terms, etc. In that case, do not forget to write to which scientific attitude you adhere. It is even better if you are able to formulate what aspects of a problem have not received due lighting in works of other scientists, etc. In the Results section, you should describe the findings you got from your research. Just tell in details what was made by you. It is recommended to translate the analyzed words and statements in foreign languages; you will better understand what you write. Conclusion requires the summary of your findings, while Recommendation part implies including all prospects of research. All in all, be attentive with the structure of the paper, cite the specific information you use, and proofread the text of your work to avoid grammar, lexical, and stylistic errors. Remember that your contribution to linguistics can appear quite important, so try to make your research paper useful in practical and theoretical terms. Consequently, your findings might shed light on some challenging linguistics aspect.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Timeline of the Rulers of France From 840 Until 2017
Timeline of the Rulers of France From 840 Until 2017 France developed out of the Frankish kingdoms that succeeded the Roman Empire, and more directly, out of the declining Carolingian Empire. The latter had been established by the great Charlemagne but began splitting into pieces soon after his death. One of these pieces became the heart of France, and French monarchs would struggle to build a new state out of it. Over time, they succeeded. Opinions vary as to who the first French king was, and the following list includes all of the transitional monarchs, including the Carolingian and not French Louis I. Although Louis wasnt king of the modern entity we call France, all the later French Louis (culminating with Louis XVIII in 1824) were numbered sequentially, using him as the starting point, and its important to remember that Hugh Capet didnt just invent France, there was a long, confused history before him. This is a chronological list of the leaders who have ruled France; the dates given are the periods of said rule. Later Carolingian Transition Although the royal numbering starts with Louis, he was not a king of France but the heir to an empire which covered much of central Europe. His descendants would later fracture the empire. 814 - 840 Louis I (not a king of France)840 - 877 Charles II (the Bald)877 - 879 Louis II (the Stammerer)879 - 882 Louis III (joint with Carloman below)879 - 884 Carloman (joint with Louis III above, until 882)884 - 888 Charles the Fat888 - 898 Eudes (also Odo) of Paris (non-Carolingian)898 - 922 Charles III (the Simple)922 - 923 Robert I (non-Carolingian)923 - 936 Raoul (also Rudolf, non-Carolingian)936 - 954 Louis IV (dOutremer or The Foreigner)954 - 986 Lothar (also Lothaire)986 - 987 Louis V (the Do-Nothing) Capetian Dynasty Hugh Capet is generally considered the first king of France but it took him and his descendants to fight and expand, and fight and survive, to begin to turn a small kingdom into great France. 987 - 996 Hugh Capet996 - 1031 Robert II (the Pious)1031 - 1060 Henry I1060 - 1108 Philip I1108 - 1137 Louis VI (the Fat)1137 - 1180 Louis VII (the Young)1180 - 1223 Philip II Augustus1223 - 1226 Louis VIII (the Lion)1226 - 1270 Louis IX (St. Louis)1270 - 1285 Philip III (the Bold)1285 - 1314 Philip IV (the Fair)1314 - 1316 Louis X (the Stubborn)1316 John I1316 - 1322 Philip V (the Tall)1322 - 1328 Charles IV (the Fair) Valois Dynasty The Valois dynasty would fight the Hundred Years War with England and, at times, looked like they were losing their thrones, and then found themselves facing religious division. 1328 - 1350 Philip VI1350 - 1364 John II (the Good)1364 - 1380 Charles V (the Wise)1380 - 1422 Charles VI (the Mad, Well-Beloved, or Foolish)1422 - 1461 Charles VII (the Well-Served or Victorious)1461 - 1483 Louis XI (the Spider)1483 - 1498 Charles VIII (Father of his People)1498 - 1515 Louis XII1515 - 1547 Francis I1547 - 1559 Henry II1559 - 1560 Francis II1560 - 1574 Charles IX1574 - 1589 Henry III Bourbon Dynasty The Bourbon kings of France included the absolute apogee of a European monarch, the Sun King Louis XIV, and just two people later, the king who would be beheaded by a revolution. 1589 - 1610 Henry IV1610 - 1643 Louis XIII1643 - 1715 Louis XIV (the Sun King)1715 - 1774 Louis XV1774 - 1792 Louis XVI First Republic The French Revolution swept away the monarch and killed their king and queen; the Terror which followed the twisting of the revolutionary ideals was in no sense an improvement. 1792 - 1795 National Convention1795 - 1799 Directory (Directors)1795 - 99 Paul Franà §ois Jean Nicolas de Barras1795 - 99 Jean-Franà §ois Reubell1795 - 99 Louis Marie La Revellà ere-Là ©peaux1795 - 97 Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot1795 - 97 Etienne Le Tourneur1797 Franà §ois Marquis de Barthà ©lemy1797 - 99 Philippe Antoine Merlin de Douai1797 - 98 Franà §ois de Neufchà ¢teau1798 - 99 Jean Baptiste Comte de Treilhard1799 Emmanuel Joseph Comte de Sieyà ©s1799 Roger Comte de Ducos1799 Jean Franà §ois Auguste Moulins1799 Louis Gohier1799 - 1804 Consulate1st Consul: 1799 - 1804 Napoleon Bonaparte2nd Consul: 1799 Emmanuel Joseph Comte de Sieyà ©s,1799 - 1804 Jean-Jacques Rà ©gis Cambacà ©rà ¨s3rd Consul: 1799 - 1799 Pierre-Roger Ducos1799 - 1804 Charles Franà §ois Lebrun First Empire (Emperors) The revolution was brought to an end by the conquering soldier-politician Napoleon, but he failed to create a lasting dynasty. 1804 - 1814 Napoleon I1814 - 1815 Louis XVIII (king)1815 Napoleon I (2nd time) Bourbons (Restored) The restoration of the royal family was a compromise, but France remained in social and political flux, leading to yet another change of house. 1814 - 1824 Louis XVIII1824 - 1830 Charles X Orleans Louis Philippe became king, chiefly thanks to the work of his sister; he would fall from grace shortly after she was no longer around to help. 1830 - 1848 Louis Philippe Second Republic (Presidents) The Second Republic didnt last long chiefly because of the imperial pretensions of a certain Louis Napoleon... 1848 Louis Eugà ©ne Cavaignac1848 - 1852 Louis Napoleon (later Napoleon III) Second Empire (Emperors) Napoleon III was related to Napoleon I and traded on family fame, but he was undone by Bismarck and the Franco-Prussian war. 1852 - 1870 (Louis) Napoleon III Third Republic (Presidents) The Third Republic bought stability in terms of the structure of government and managed to adapt to the First World War. 1870 - 1871 Louis Jules Trochu (provisional)1871 - 1873 Adolphe Thiers1873 - 1879 Patrice de MacMahon1879 - 1887 Jules Grà ©vy1887 - 1894 Sadi Carnot1894 - 1895 Jean Casimir-Pà ©rier1895 - 1899 Fà ©lix Faure1899 - 1906 Emile Loubet1906 - 1913 Armand Fallià ¨res1913 - 1920 Raymond Poincarà ©1920 - Paul Deschanel1920 - 1924 Alexandre Millerand1924 - 1931 Gaston Doumergue1931 - 1932 Paul Doumer1932 - 1940 Albert Lebrun Vichy Government (Chief of State) It was the Second World War which destroyed the Third Republic, and a conquered France tried to find some sort of independence under WW1 hero Petain. No one came out well. 1940 - 1944 Henri Philippe Petain Provisional Government (Presidents) France had to be rebuilt after the war, and that started with deciding on the new government. 1944 - 1946 Charles de Gaulle1946 Fà ©lix Gouin1946 Georges Bidault1946 Leon Blum Fourth Republic (Presidents) 1947 - 1954 Vincent Auriol1954 - 1959 Renà © Coty Fifth Republic (Presidents) Charles de Gaulle returned to try and calm social unrest and began the Fifth Republic, which still forms the government structure of contemporary France. 1959 - 1969 Charles de Gaulle1969 - 1974 Georges Pompidou1974 - 1981 Valà ©ry Giscard dEstaing1981 - 1995 Franà §ois Mitterand1995 - 2007 Jacques Chirac2007 - 2012 Nicolas Sarkozy2012 - Francois Hollande2017 - Emmanuel Macron
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Davidson College as the Recipient of Beall Foundation Article
Davidson College as the Recipient of Beall Foundation - Article Example She is supposed to be the first Dean of Don Beall Engineering.The gift will be used to launch the multi-disciplinary programs like green engineering, biomedical device engineering, and global experiential learning. The funds gifted by Beall will also be used to launch the initiatives for student success, their professional development, and faculty excellence. While appreciating the great task of Beall, Belle Wei stated, â€Å"Donald Beall believes strongly in the value of engineering and science education and its critical role in the innovation and entrepreneurial process leading to a stronger America," She further expressed her gratitude and said, "We are grateful for this gift, which will help us advance our vision to educate new engineers who are technically excellent, broadly educated, and socially responsible, the new kind of engineers who can rise to the challenges of the 21st century." Being an alumnus of San Jose University, Don Beall secured his bachelor degree in metallurgical engineering in 1960 and he acquired the MBA degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1961. While talking about Beall’s overall academic performance, Ralph Parkman, one of Beall’s former professors at SJSU stated, â€Å"He was an outstanding student and a very capable young man," Parkman further said, "I'm was not surprised he went as far as he did." Don Beall retired from Rockwell after spending 30 years there. At that time he had honored many prestigious positions such as Company President, Chairman, and CEO. After a long and prestigious job, he retired from Rockwell in 1988.His leadership made the Rockwell a global leader in aerospace, electronics, and automotive market. Apart from Rockwell Collins, Mr. Beall served as a director on the boards of various companies like Conexant System, Mindspeed Technologies, and CT Realty. SJSU’s College of Engineering was ranked 16th among the national level programs. This was declared in the most recent edition of America’s best Colleges 2008 by US News and World report. Thousands of talented alumni of this college have made a bright future in Silicon Valley and beyond. This college has a strong tie-up with many companies in Silicon Valley which provide an opportunity for scholarships, internship, research project, and placements.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Find a Local Newspaper Article that is Related to HR Management Research Paper
Find a Local Newspaper Article that is Related to HR Management - Research Paper Example Although having tattoos is not considered essentially inappropriate in workplaces, the general environment is that tattoos are undesirable. From an annual survey conducted in 2012, it was learnt that sixty-one percent of HR managers believe that tattoos can restrict job opportunities for an aspiring applicant. In 2011, it was fifty seven percent. Most employees think that strict dress codes in corporate offices are unfair pressure on them as they restrict them from enjoying the current fashion trends. This grievance is reflected in Ms. Thomas’s statement â€Å"there are parts of my body I wish I could get tattooed, but because I work in a corporate setting I have to keep them on a wish list†(Kaufman, n.p.). Moreover, employees also dress according to their religious and cultural ethics. The principle objective of HR management is to ensure that the company’s employees exhibit a professional and business minded image while at the same time the clothing be casual. The HR managers usually do not impose any strict and explicit instructions on dress codes, however the employees remain concerned whether their unusual attires like tattoos and body piercing will affect their chances of job promotion. In this article another corporate level employee Amy L. Hayden, who has tattoos in visible parts of her body, has spoken about her experiences during job interviews. In those days she applied for two to five jobs every day and sometimes had successfully passed many first and second level interviews, but at the end she was never called for the jobs. However, there are also instances where the HR managers seem to be more contrived than the company. These managers do not approve unconventional dressing styles of employees,... This essay approves that HR managers mostly impose dressing codes on employees to maintain a formal business like ambiance in the workplace. Although such codes have no legal basis, the employees nonetheless remain apprehensive regarding their promotional opportunities if they do not follow the unspoken rules. The final outcome is that employees have to wear full body covering clothes even in hot weather. However, HR managers strive towards setting standard dress code that will maintain both formal appearance and sustain the comfort level of employees. This report makes a conclusion that the issue regarding employees’ dressing habits is a sensitive one since it may hurt the religious and cultural beliefs of many people. Therefore, the HR managers need to tread the territory carefully by maintaining a balance between professionalism and comfort of employees. The real issue here is that HR managers should show trust on the employees than instructing them to follow certain rules regarding dressing. Certain things like tattoos and body piercing are more personal choice of employees and should not be disapproved unless they are blatant disregard of company rules. This paper stresses on our appearance. When we are bussines ones we have to wear special uniform. When a persone has a tattoo on the body he have to hide it under the wear. Because if you have not very good look your colleagues and clients wil taken lightly.
Passage Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Passage Analysis - Essay Example In addition, the author uses sound as a major symbolism in the whole narrative in which case he categorically mentions the distraction that the intermittent but rather scary voices cause to Montesore. Nonetheless, the author reveals the wickedness of Montesore as the narrative progresses until one becomes acquainted with the character traits of Montesore in the end (Poe Web). While it appears from the onset, that Montesore is an industrious and detailed person, his villainous character is later revealed, as it later emerges plainly that he practises undesirable activities including lack of remorsefulness and mockery to victims. In essence, Montesore reveals a great deal of his evil character by mocking Fortunato through the echoing of her voice in order to scare her. Indeed, the main character, who is Montesore, keeps on echoing supposedly Fortunato’s voice with an ill intention. For instance, when he repeats after her scary laughs and words "He! he! he! -- he! he! he!†he is sure that he will confuse the supposed recipient of the sound. Furthermore, he says, â€Å"Let us be gone,†echoing after Fortunato’s voice (Poe Web). This is a clear sign of revenge in the sense that instead of Montesore showing remorse towards fortunate, he has the strong conviction that he is vindicated to offer vengeance against Forunato. Perhaps one important aspect worth noting is that the whole passage is dominated by several episodes of Montesore counting the tiers as he continues laying them. This may have had an impact in raising the tension in the sense that Fortunato was inside these rising walls as she continued to produce noise (Poe Web). In essence, one has no idea about the whereabouts of Fortunato until Montesore reaches the eleventh tier. Owing to the fact Fortunato was also supposedly building the other side of the wall, one sees a clear sign of neglect and ignorance on the side of Montesore. This is particularly so in the sense that he does not reach out to tell
Family-based Care or Nursing Home Care in the Face of Dementia Essay
Family-based Care or Nursing Home Care in the Face of Dementia - Essay Example Dementia is a collective term used to refer to a range of diseases that involve the deterioration of cognitive function over time. For those suffering dementia, their quality of life can substantially decrease, and they quickly become dependent on others to help them with even their most basic needs. The prevalence of dementia increases dramatically with age, as a consequence the number of people suffering from dementia at a given time is likely to rise as our population in general ages. As a consequence of this, the government is increasingly interested in determining what method of care is of lower cost. In general, it is often assumed that it is cheaper to care for an individual through family-based care as opposed to caring through nursing facilities. However, this does not take into account costs that are incurred by family members in terms of finances or time. This is an important factor, as dementia patients frequently require full-time care, thus when dementia patients are being cared for through family-based care it is likely that at least one member of the family has reduced hours at work compared to under normal circumstances. When labor and costs are taken into account, studies have shown that for patients with severe levels of dependence it was more economically viable for them to be cared for through nursing home care than through family-based care. Thus, despite the financial costs of nursing home care, it is still equal in cost, or cheaper than family-based care. The financial cost is not the only consideration in regards to deciding the best type of care for those suffering dementia. Dementia is progressive and destroys mental function. When it is a family member or loved one that this is occurring to, the process can be very painful to watch and can cause feelings of helplessness and mental trauma. There are many reports of caregivers of dementia patients suffering from severe depression as a consequence of watching the progression of the disease (Eisdorfer et al. 2003). As a consequence caring for an individual with dementia exerts significant mental pressure on those responsible.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Unilevers Attempts to Improve the Sustainability Essay
Unilevers Attempts to Improve the Sustainability - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Unilever is a company leader in the fast moving consumer goods (FMGG) industry. The company sells food, personal care, refreshment, and home products throughout the whole world, including Europe, the Northern and Southern Americas, Asia and Africa. The total number of Unilever’s brands has grown up to 400 by 2012. The four major business categories and key brands are listed in the paper. Unilever being a globally operating company has felt the pressure of growing sustainability and environmental concerns and responded to the modern trend by adopting a special plan to become environmentally responsible and sustainably sourced business. In 2010, Unilever presented its Sustainable Living Plan which covered a number of initiatives that the company was planning to undertake with a purpose to improve its operations in a sustainable and environmental framework. This plan was comprised of three major goals that should be achieved by 2020: improving health and well-being of more than 1 billion of people; halving of the environmental footprint of producing and use of Unilever’s products; enhancing of the livelihoods of millions of people. Sustainability monitoring bodies and industry associations have recognized the Unilever’s efforts in relation to sustainable and environmental responsibility, and have given some awards to the company. Thus, for example, Unilever has been ranked in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for being a super sector leading company in food& beverage industry. In addition to this recognition, Unilever has received some other awards from external organizations since 2009.
Orange Business Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Orange Business Services - Essay Example This aspect of the business of the firm however may not truly align with the mission of the firm to be a global leader. In order to fulfill its mission, FT has to actually expand at the global level and branching out of EU region in order to be a truly global leader in integrated communication solutions. The above mission statement of the firm is also lacking in the sense it may fail to provide quantifiable direction for the firm to fulfill. Though it has set clearly outlined objectives for itself however, considering the mission statement only of the firm, it may seem that it fails to provoke any emotional association of the employees or other involved with the firm. It is highly desirable that a mission statement must be flexible and invoke the related degree of emotions in order to be aligned with the overall firm’s direction. The overall strategic goals and objectives of the firm are described in its strategic initiatives called Conquest which sets out its overall goals an d objectives for the period 2011-2015. The overall objectives are for medium period and are divided into two phases of adaptation and conquest. The first phase will identify the investments in the network growth opportunities and during the second phase, firm intended to return to sustained revenue and cash flow growth targets. The combination of both these objectives set the overall direction of the firm between 2011-2015. During the first phase, the firm has set specific quantifiable targets of achieving EBITDA as well as other financial measures in order to critically outline as to how much firm wants to progress in next five years. (Orange, 2010) The objectives of the firm are at least clear and quantifiable for the period which firm has set for itself to achieve the target. It is however, important to note that these goals and objectives are focused more on the existing markets of the firm. The overall focus is on the existing markets and as such the emphasis that the FT would like to become a global leader in the integrated communication may not be at least manifested into the overall goals of the firm. Firm seems to be focused on further penetrating into the markets in which it is operating and most of its focus is on the EU market which is also its traditional stronghold since years. Stakeholders Source: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/10794/Project-Management-Part-2-Stakeholders The above is a typical, general grid for stakeholder analysis wherein both the high powered and low powered stakeholders are identified and based on their interests, organization actually deal with them. A stakeholder is one which can either be affected or affect the actions of the firm and based on this they can be either internal or external to the organization. Stakeholders are normally those individuals or organizations which are directly affected by the organization and its actions. It is also important to understand that individuals may also belong to different stake holder groups and their overall role may vary under different conditions. It is therefore critically important to know the expectations of different stakeholder groups even if they fall into different categories. Viewing the overall stakeholders of FT, it is clear that the firm has actually adapted a commercial approach to deal with its stakeholders. It is however, i
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Unilevers Attempts to Improve the Sustainability Essay
Unilevers Attempts to Improve the Sustainability - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Unilever is a company leader in the fast moving consumer goods (FMGG) industry. The company sells food, personal care, refreshment, and home products throughout the whole world, including Europe, the Northern and Southern Americas, Asia and Africa. The total number of Unilever’s brands has grown up to 400 by 2012. The four major business categories and key brands are listed in the paper. Unilever being a globally operating company has felt the pressure of growing sustainability and environmental concerns and responded to the modern trend by adopting a special plan to become environmentally responsible and sustainably sourced business. In 2010, Unilever presented its Sustainable Living Plan which covered a number of initiatives that the company was planning to undertake with a purpose to improve its operations in a sustainable and environmental framework. This plan was comprised of three major goals that should be achieved by 2020: improving health and well-being of more than 1 billion of people; halving of the environmental footprint of producing and use of Unilever’s products; enhancing of the livelihoods of millions of people. Sustainability monitoring bodies and industry associations have recognized the Unilever’s efforts in relation to sustainable and environmental responsibility, and have given some awards to the company. Thus, for example, Unilever has been ranked in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for being a super sector leading company in food& beverage industry. In addition to this recognition, Unilever has received some other awards from external organizations since 2009.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Proposal for Home Cleaning Service Delivery Essay Example for Free
Proposal for Home Cleaning Service Delivery Essay We write to introduce We Love Your Home Cleaning Services, a world class cleaning service-provision Company. Based on our understanding of how busy working hours get these days, coupled with the needed attention to care for children among other things, we have chosen to apply ourselves in service thereby filling up this area of need. Our team of highly skilled and savvy professionals offers first-rate level of customer-friendly services making use of the best practice in the cleaning services field. Our years of hands-on-the-job experience, alongside the passion with which we deliver clients request, stands us out in our area of chosen service. Our organization is glad for the opportunity to serve you in what we do best. We do hope to have a fulfilling relationship with you in the course of our quality value delivery to your home. Thank you in anticipation of a positive response. Yours faithfully, Signature Full Name Introduction The growing demands for quality home cleaning service by our well meaning customers prompted the creation of a holistic solution avenue to better serve this area of need. The amount of increase in the average work hours has contributed to our desire to provide a quality and easy-to-request alternative to home cleaning service. Our business focuses on ensuring that the â€Å"neat home†concept, which is acronym for our core values, is spread to each of our clients. We ensure this through the use of quality equipments and a very friendly approach to solution delivery. We do everything within our ability to ensure that our customers always win through our simplified and holistic approach. Vision: Our corporate vision is to be the leader in friendly delivery of home support through customized cleaning service deliverables. Mission: We work as one winning team with our clients to ensure the delivery of the â€Å"neat home†concept using cost-effective solutions and simple but highly effective customer-centered approach. Core Values: This is at the core of who we really are. Our core values can be seen in the acronym N.E.A.T. H.O.M.E. It is a derivative of our passionate commitment to a culture of excellence through a continuously improved customer-centered approach to each of our service packages. The acronym also helps us to be reminded of the Win-Win goal our relationship with clients seeks to achieve. It means: N – Neatness, E – Excellence, A – Accountability, T – Teamwork, H – Hospitability, O – Openness, M – Mutual benefit, E – Extra-mile Neatness: By neatness our certified professionals will ensure the removal of dirt and stains through the use of the best chemicals while putting as top priority the health of the home dwellers. Excellence: Our team sees excellence as a guide at every inch of the process. We believe and are committed to improving the seemingly little things. Accountability: We are responsible for the safe-keeping of clients home while we ensure it is clean. Knowing the implications of the foregoing, we subscribe to third party insurance policies that forestall any possibility of mishap. Also, clients can be sure to meet their interior design outlook in better shape as a result of out team of savvy professionals. Teamwork: Winning with you is our utmost delight and we ensure this through our excellence-orientation method of shared responsibility. Our professionals make sure that the customer’s unique request is done with tact considering areas of priority as may have been indicated on request form. Hospitability: Friendliness is at the core of how we serve you. Our customers help us to always be around offering service, hence, we commit to the delivery of such as quickly as possible. We enjoy creating win-win scenarios in smiles. Openness: We believe that trust is at the root of any successful business relationship and really value same. This is why we ensure a solution delivery as promised style, thereby creating the atmosphere that nurtures honest dealings. Mutual benefit: This profiles our commitment to a win-win solution. Extra-mile: Where the need arises, our staff will be willing to go the extra-mile so as to ensure qualitative service delivery always. We believe absolutely that we only truly win when our customers win. Services We Love Your Home Cleaning Services provides scalable unit of options in our area of expertise. Our services list provides a convenient way for our clients to do business with us. It ensures that our options allow for a balance between cost-effectiveness, time-save and quality delivery. These include the following: Cleaning the entire residence or selected rooms as may be so desired The use of industrial cleaning chemicals with no health hazards The provision of user-friendly timed options (say one-time, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) The above mentioned options are carefully tailored to ensure that a full home support in the business of cleaning is ensured. Benefits Our first rate service culture will offer you the following value added features: We save you the stress involved in the cleaning process We help ensure a timely delivery through best practice Our solution is cost effective and offers competitive pricing Our services can be requested from the convenience of your home Our team of certified professionals ensure that our customers win all of the time Cost Based on our understanding of varying customers’ area of need and challenge peculiarity, we offer two packages for ease of request. These are as highlighted. Package A – Gold Home This â€Å"Gold Home†offer is for clients who require cleaning services only. It serves as our basic cleaning solution option for clients who need a one-time support in the holistic cleaning of their home. It makes use of the â€Å"neat home†value delivery approach through well experienced and professional hands. S/N Item Description Cost ($) Units Amount 1 2 General home cleaning Perfumery 150 50 1 1 150 50 Package B – Diamond Home Plus This is an easy-to-customize option that puts into consideration clients who work long hours and some others who may have children to care of among other unique considerations. Some clients may also require only a portion of the complete solution while others will appreciate some more value-added. Feel free to use this option for home event support and para-home (say Birthday, Anniversary, etc) events support option. The Package B provides easy to change cost offers tailored to meet specific customer demands. S/N Item Description Cost Range($) Units Amount ($) 1 2 3 Customized home cleaning Perfumery (Custom options) Other peculiarities 100 250 30 100 3 4 Contact Methods: Telephone, Email, Web address, Physical Location Cleaning is our business as we will be glad to provide you with top-notch customer-centered service on request. Please feel free to use the toll free number on the contact methods. It will help us know the uniqueness you may so desire. We will have one of our service representatives contact you with regards to this. Thank you for the opportunity to apply ourselves in service to you.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Strategies for Breaking Wireless Protocols
Strategies for Breaking Wireless Protocols CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Starting of wireless Network is a result of a research Project carried out by University of Hawaii. Initially its called as Aloha net, but later it used to call as Wireless Local Area Network or WLAN. At the beginning of aloha net, is capable of transferring 1 to 2 mbps data. But over the last few years aloha net changed to WLAN and it came with so many enhancements to the initial technology. Newer days, wireless networks become more popular than the wired networks. The main reason for this is, wireless networks are high in portability and the flexibility, increased productivity, and lower installation cost. Wireless Network Devices let Users to move their laptops from one place to another without warring about their network connectivity. Minimizing the wiring gives the maximum flexibility over the network and it reduces the wiring cost for the whole network infrastructure. However, when we comparing the security factor, wireless networks are more vulnerable to attack by outsider than the wired network. Main reason for this is, anyone can see and make the initial connection through the wireless network. But establishing the initial connection in a wired network is bit difficult than the wireless network. Loss of confidentiality like password cracking and man in the middle attacks are typically associated with wireless networks. Some other way, this kind of attack can easily practise in wireless Networks rather than the wired network. Even though a wireless network has this kind of problems, its not a failed concept. The main reason for that is we can protect a wireless network in maximum and make invincible from unauthorised users or attackers. Configuring the wireless devices correctly and accurately can minimize the attacks. We are going to discuss about this topic in future. 1.2 Objectives Breaking wireless protocols is the main objective in this project. Mostly the WEP, WPA and WPA2 will be my major preference. So the goal of this research is break the wireless protocol and get data from the wireless devices and the network. 1.2.1 Comparison of Hacking Tools Available. There are lots of tools that can use to hack a wireless protocol. Some of the tools are very user friendly. We can install it on our Windows Based Systems and it does our work very easily. Those tools are 100% Graphical User Interface and very easy to use. AirCrack-ng Windows version is the common example. But Some Other tools are available; we need to have some technical knowledge to use those tools. Mainly those tools run on command base mode and running platform is Linux. These tools do not provide any graphical user Interface, and bit difficult to learn without any proper guidance. But the final result is very accurate than the windows version. The major difference between these two types of tools are the software which runs on linux is more accurate than the Windows version. So I have decided to use Linux version hacking software to carry out my testing. But to hack a wireless network we need few of software to download from the internet. And then we can install those on a Linux machine and we can start the research. But, I think its very easy to use a one operating System rather than struggling with lots of softwares. So I decided to download latest version of worlds famous Hacking Operating System â€Å"Back Track†. It has built in hacking tools that need to hack a wireless network. 1.2.2 Downloading related software. Back Track is free to download, and its open source. Anyone can download Back Track from its developers web site www.backtrack-linux.org for free. So I have downloaded the latest version of Back Track v4 to carry out my research. We will discuss about BackTrack in further chapters. 1.2.3 Cracking WEP Using AirCrack-ng In order to crack a WEP Password, I have chosen few amazing tool. That is BackTrack 4 Hacking Operating System. It has all the hacking tools to crack a WEP Network. Airodump-ng can use to get the information about the wireless network and then I can use the Aircrack-ng to crack the password. 1.2.4 Cracking WPA Using AirCrack-ng We Can Use the same Process to Crack the WPA using AirCrack-ng. Same as in WEP I am going to use the Airodump-ng and Airoreply-ng to collect all the informations about the wireless Network and AirCrack-ng to decrypt the Password. 1.2.5 Cracking WPA2 Using Cowpatty In here, I am going to use a special cracking Software to crack WPA2. The software is Cowpatty. Cowpatty bit different than Aircrack-ng. And cowpatty specially designed to crack WPA and WPA2 Passwords. All these tools are built-in tools which we can find in the BackTrack4 Linux based operating system. So I dont need to download these softwares from the internet. 1.3 Dissertation Structure This Documentation mainly divided in to 4 Main Chapters. Including entire Practical and theoretical concepts. Chapter 1: Introduction In this section, I am going to give a introduction about what is wireless Network, Start of the Wireless Network and Basic Problems that wireless Networks faced. In the Second Section explain about the whole Research objectives and aims. Chapter 02: Literature Review This Chapter Consist all the theoretical informations relating to my research. In here I am discussing about wireless Networks and its Types, Wireless Network Devices, Security Methods that WLAN Uses, WLAN Security Protocols, Deep discussion about WEP, WPA and WPA2, Protocol Hacking tools like Air Crack-ng, Cowpatty, and Hacking Methods that use by the Hacking tools. Eg: Dictionary Attacks, Brute Force Attacks etc. Chapter 03: Methodology In here, I am going to show my Practical Work that I have done all over my research. Installing the Hacking OS, Use of Hacking tools, Problems Faced all over the project and the final results will be my main concerns. Chapter 04: Result and Discussions In this section I am comparing all the results I have gain all over my project. Chapter 05: Conclusions This Chapter will be my conclusions of the Research. In here i am planning to compare my final result and the objectives in my initial project proposal. CHAPTER 02 Literature Survey 2.1 Wireless Networks Wireless Networks enables to communicate devices without any physical media. These Networks are divided to three main categories according to their communication level. Those are, Wireless Local Area Network, Wireless Wide Area Network, Wireless Personnel Area Network. Wireless Wide Area Network has larger coverage than the WLAN and WPAN. WWAN uses 2G or 3G Cell Phone Networks to connect each and every device in the network. WLAN represents local area network that connected using wireless access point or a wireless router includes 802.11. WPAN is a small network topology. This includes Bluetooth and Infrared technologies. 2.1.1 Wireless Local Area Networks As I Mentioned earlier, Wireless LANs has more portability and flexibility over traditional Wires Local Area Networks. In WLAN, All the Computers and other devices connect to each other using Wireless Access Points also called as APs. And Access points communicated with the Wireless Network Adaptors that fixed in to computers. Access Points normally has coverage are up to 75-100 meters. In that area users can move their laptops and other wireless devices while maintaining their network connections. We can connect access points together and expand the wireless LANs coverage. In my thesis, I am going to discuss more about wireless LAN in further chapters. 2.1.2 Wireless Wide Area Networks This is the most familiar wireless Network type for everyone. This networks are Combinations of few WLANs. In these networks, Antennas acts as the access point for all WLANs. There are connections between Antennas to Antennas, to expand the Service of the network. Mobile Phone Networks also a good example for WWAN Networks. 2.1.3 Wireless Personnel Area Networks These Networks are so smaller when comparing to the other networks. It does not give much coverage as other 2 network type we discuss earlier. And this network does not require Main Access Point to make the connection with other WPAN Devices. Source WPAN device directly connect to the other WPAN device when its needs to transfer data. 2.2 Wireless Local Area Networks This is the most important topic of my thesis. We are going to discuss about this topic all over the project. As I mentioned in my objectives I am going to analyse the security of WLAN and Break few of WLAN Protocols. Before that we need to get a clear Idea about â€Å"What is WLAN?†and â€Å"How it operates?†WLAN is same as the wired Local Area Network. But the only difference is, its using wireless method to connect all devices. WLAN combined with the Client Station and the Wireless Access point. The Client Station connects to the AP (Access point) using the wireless Network Adaptor. We can connect the wireless adaptor to the computer using Personal Computer Memory Card International (PCMCIA) slot or using the USB Port. IEEE 802.11 is the Standard of WLAN technology. The coverage of the Wireless network totally relay on the Strength of the Wireless Access Point. Normally its can covers up to 75-100 meters circular area. 2.2.1 Architecture of 802.11 Standards This architecture allows initiating a peer to peer connection between Client Station and the wireless Network based on access point in an infrastructure network (WLAN). The coverage area of an access point called as a â€Å"Cell†. A Cell also called as â€Å"Basic Service Set†(BSS). The collection other cells of the infrastructure network called as Extended Service Set (ESS).Any access point that work with 802.11 standards has this 2 data sets for their functionality. BSS is the most important data set in the Access point. BSS contain all the information about wireless Network. This is the security key negotiation protocol of the Access point. BSS consist of APs Hardware name, Communication protocol informations, Signal strength etc. The Access Point identify in the WLAN using a specific identifier. This is called as â€Å"Basic Service Set Identifier†(BSSID). When Laptop or any other wireless device needs to connect to wireless network via access point, the guest station (Eg: Laptop) searches for the available access points in the area by releasing discovery packets. If there any access points available, APs respond to the guest station by sending the BSSID. Normally BSSID is in a Human Readable format. BSSID also called as â€Å"AP Name or Router Name†by Technical personals. This identifier always represents a Specific Access point. Likewise each and every access point of the network has its own BSSID. NOTE: BSSID is very important to accomplish my main objective of the project. We need to retrieve the routers BSSID before we crack the routers password. We can discuss about the retrieving methods in future chapters. 2.2.2 Advantages of WLANs Following are the advantages. Increased Mobility- Users can be mobile while accessing to all the network resources. Fast Installation Installation of the network is very quick since there no adding wires like wired network. Flexibility anyone can easily install and uninstall a small wireless Network. 2.2.3 Wireless Protocols Use in Wireless Networks There are 3 main wireless protocols use by the 802.11x wireless networks. Those are, Wired Equivalent Privacy This Protocol primarily protect the WLAN uses being a victim from eavesdropping. WEP uses 64 bit RC4 key to generate encrypted data and then those encrypted data transferred over the network. Wi-Fi Protected Access This is introduced by the Wi-Fi Alliance to overcome certain restrictions in WEP. This uses Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) to encrypt the wireless data packets. Wi-Fi Protected Access Version 2 This is the latest movement in wireless LAN Protocols. Only the Difference is WPA 2 introduces new AES algorithm to be much more secure than the WPA. These 3 protocols widely using in wireless Networks. Every protocol has significant advantages and disadvantages. In the next chapter I am going to illustrate features, advantages and disadvantages of each and every protocol. 2.2.4 Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) WEP is an authentication protocol that use in 802.11 wireless networks to secure all the transmitting data. This protocol introduced in 1997 and main intention was increasing the confidentiality of the data than wired network. Any wireless network that uses WEP encrypt the data packets using RC4 cipher stream generated by a 64 bit RC4 key. IEEE 802.11 has few basic features when it comes to Security. These concerns provide a better security for the wireless environment. This all security elements embedded in to the wireless network protocols. Following are the basic security concerns in a wireless Network. Authentication This is the main goal of the wireless protocols. This means identifying the Client Station by using a password. If any client station failed to comply with this requirement the AP will deny giving the access to the Client Station. Integrity In here, the data should not be changed while it transmitting from the AP and/or to the AP. That mean those data should not be a victim of active attack. Confidentiality in this goal, the Protocol should protect the security of all data elements that transmit. In other word, the data should not be a victim of passive attacks. Authentication 802.11 Networks have 2 kinds of authentication methods. â€Å"Open System Authentication†and â€Å"Shared Key Authentication†. 802.11 Authentication Open System Authentication Shared Key Authentication Any Client Station can join The Station should Provide the To the network without authentication Network password in order to join Network In Open system authentication does not use any cryptographic password to gain access to the network. Any client station can connect to the network and use the network resources. As an example, Internet facilitys in a public locations like Air Port or a Bus Station. In these places anyone can connect their Laptop or PDAs to the Wireless Access Point and start browse the internet. No Password required at all to login to the network. In open system method, the client station sends its MAC address just as a reference to the Access point. Then the AP makes that client as a member of that APs network. The major problem with this authentication mode is its vulnerable to attack. Shared key authentication is password based authentication model. The client must have the password to make the connection with AP. when client made a request to the AP that asking the connection, the AP generate a challenge and send it to the client station. If the client station responds to that challenge correctly AP gives the permission to be a member of wireless network. Figure 2.7 give the clear idea about the Shared Key authentication. Authentication Request Challenge Response Confirm the Result Integrity 802.11 Standards also concerns about the integrity of the data transmitted. This always checks the data content whether it got changed while happening the transmitting process. It uses Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) approach to check the content of data. Once the CRC completed those data encrypted by using the RC4 key Stream. On the receiving end, data will be decrypted and again check for CRC to check the integrity of the data. If the receiving end CRC value does not match with the initial CRC value the data will be rejected and retransmitting will be required. WEP Uses an algorithm called Stream Cipher to encrypt all the data. It expand short version of key in to a random key stream. The sender encrypts the Plain text along with the Short key and creates the cipher text. In the receiver end has the same short key to decrypt the data. Once the data stream received by the recipient, it uses the short key to generates cipher text back to plain text. If one data bit lost on its way to the destination, the decryption process will mislead the data in to incorrect information. To prevent this problem WEP has â€Å"Cyclic Redundancy Check†to keep up the Message Integrity correctly. Privacy 802.11 standards use cryptographic techniques to support Privacy. It uses RC4 Symmetric Keys to protect the data. Normally 802.11 standards support different cryptographic key lengths to protect the data from a attack. Generally, WEP supports 40 bit cryptographic key size for the shared key. But numerous vendors support different key sizes like 104 bits and 128 bits. Increasing the key size increases the security of the cryptographic technique. Problems with WEP Even though WEP has so many security measurements to protect the transmitting data, it has few failures. These failures make the way, an attacker to break the security of WEP and lost the Integrity and privacy of the transmitting data using WEP. Shared WEP Key WEP Uses single security key to Access the network. So this key should be distributed to all the users who access the network. So this security key might go to an attacker very easily who trying to get the access to the network. WEP Key Size As I mentioned earlier, WEP uses 40 bit Cryptographic Key Size. This key can be crack very easily regardless of the time. So the encryption key is not sufficient to provide a better security for data. 2.2.5 Wi-Fi Protected Access This is a WLAN protocol created by the Wi-Fi alliance. This is created because of several weakness of the WEP Protocol. WPA has some advanced features when comparing with WEP. To get the optimum performance from the WPA, The WPA protocol implements the majority of the IEEE 802.11i standard, and was intended as an intermediate measure to take the place of WEP while 802.11i was prepared. Specifically, the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), was brought into WPA. TKIP could be implemented on pre-WPA wireless network interface cards that began shipping as far back as 1999 through firmware upgrades. Because the changes required fewer modifications on the client than on the wireless access point, most pre-2003 APs could not be upgraded to support WPA with TKIP. Researchers have since discovered a flaw in TKIP that relied on older weaknesses to retrieve the key stream from short packets to use for re-injection and spoofing. [wiki/WPA] Features of WPA WPA uses Temporal Key Management (TKIP) as its Key encryption system. WPA does, Data Encryption and Discretion based on TKIP technology. It uses 128 bits for encryption using RC4 cipher. Temporal Key Management TKIP along with the WPA has introduced three security features to overcome some security issues that come with WEP networks. TKIP mixing the security key with the initialization vector before it pass it to the cipher routine. In our case TKIP uses RC4 as the cipher. This method avoids certain kind of key attacks that came along with WEP. And then, WPA protects the data packets against reply attacks by implementing a sequence counter to the data stream. Finally its implements a message integrity check called â€Å"MIC†to check the consistency of the data stream. As i mentioned earlier, TKIP uses Rivest Cipher 4 (RC 4) as its cipher. Rekeying, also an important feature of TKIP. And the most important feature is TKIP always ensure to send data with a Unique Encryption key. But in certain situations it uses same mechanism like WEP. So TKIP also vulnerable to some kind of attacks which WEP faces. Any how the advance development of Message Integrity Check, Isolated Key Hashing on every packet, Sequence Counter prevents those attacks successfully. The Best thing is TKIP resolving most of the problems came along with the WEP. The next section discuss about that. Michael Message Integrity Code Unlike WEP, WPA uses special feature to check the integrity of the transmitted message. This is called as Message Integrity Code (MIC). This is also called as Michel. This is a short cryptographic checksum that use to authenticate a message. This is also known as Message Authentication Code (MAC). This is a 64 bit algorithm that controls several types of attacks like, Splicing Attacks, Payload Truncation, and Fragmentation Attacks. Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) EAP is an Authentication Method that widely use in wireless networks. This is not specifically designed for wireless networks. This can be use to authentication in wired network as well. EAP use to transmit the packets containing Authentication informations. WPA and WPA2 Networks supports 5 EAP Authentication Mechanisms as it Authentication Standards. Those are, EAP-TLS, EAP-SIM, EAP-AKA, PEAP, LEAP. EAP-TLS EAP-Transport Layer Security is well known among Protocol for wireless communication. TLS provide very strong confidentiality for the User Credentials. This uses PKI to secure the communication between the AP and the RADIUS Server. EAP-TLS is the original, standard wireless LAN EAP authentication protocol. Although it is rarely deployed, it is still considered one of the most secure EAP standards available and is universally supported by all manufacturers of wireless LAN hardware and software. [Wiki/EAP] A compromised password is not enough to break into EAP-TLS enabled systems because the hacker still needs to have the client-side private key. The highest security available is when client-side keys are housed in smart cards. This is because there is no way to steal a certificates corresponding private key from a smart card without stealing the card itself. [Wiki/EAP] EAP-SIM EAP for Subscriber Identity Module used for authentication and Session key distribution using the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) SIM. [Wiki/EAP] EAP-AKA EAP for Authentication and Key Management Agreement is used for Authentication and session key distributing using the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS). [wiki / EAP] PEAP PEAP is a joint proposal by Cisco Systems, Microsoft and RSA Security as an open standard. It is already widely available in products, and provides very good security. It is similar in design to EAP-TTLS, requiring only a server-side PKI certificate to create a secure TLS tunnel to protect user authentication. [Wiki/EAP] There were two PEAP sub-types certified for the updated WPA and WPA2 standard. They are: PEAPv0/EAP-MSCHAPv2 PEAPv1/EAP-GTC The terms PEAPv0 and PEAPv1 refer to the outer authentication method, the mechanism that creates the secure TLS tunnel to protect subsequent authentication transactions. EAP-MSCHAPv2, EAP-GTC, and EAP-SIM refer to the inner authentication method which facilitates user or device authentication. [Wiki/EAP] LEAP The Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) A proprietary EAP method developed by Cisco Systems prior to the IEEE ratification of the 802.11i security standard. [Wiki/EAP] LEAP uses a modified version of MS-CHAP, an authentication protocol in which user credentials are not strongly protected and are thus easily compromised. Along these lines, an exploit tool called ASLEAP. [wiki/EAP] 2.2.6 Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 WPA 2 implements IEEE 802.11i standards same as the WPA. WPA 2 supports Advanced Encryption Standards as the encryption cipher. This is an encryption standard that implement by US Government. 3 block of ciphers available in the AES. Those are AES 128, AES 192, and AES 256. In WPA2, Advanced Encryption Standards using counter Mode-Cipher Block Channing to provide the high confidentiality to the data. [Microsoft] WPA2 architecture must contain following network components to provide better security to the network. An Authentication Server to authenticate the users, Robust Security Network to maintain the pathways of associations, and AES based methodology to provide the privacy, integrity and authentication. The authentication server holds all the user name and passwords of the users of wireless network. When a user wants to connect to a network that uses WPA, The User must provide His / her identical user name and password when the network asks for it. Then the AP sends that informations to the Authentication server to verify the validity of the user to access network resources. Once the authentication server gave a positive feedback, the user allows connecting to the network otherwise the request will be discarded. The Four way Hand Shake The Authentication Process has 2 Parts, the access point (AP) still needs to authenticate itself to the client station (STA), and keys to encrypt the traffic need to be derived. The earlier EAP exchange has provided the shared secret key PMK (Pair wise Master Key). This key is, however, designed to last the entire session and should be exposed as little as possible. [1] Therefore the four-way handshake is used to establish another key called the PTK (Pairwise Transient Key). The PTK is generated by concatenating the following attributes: PMK, AP nonce (ANonce), STA nonce (SNonce), AP MAC address, and STA MAC address. The product is then put through a cryptographic hash function. [1] The handshake also yields the GTK (Group Temporal Key), used to decrypt multicast and broadcast traffic. The actual messages exchanged during the handshake are depicted in the figure and explained below: [1] Group Key Hand Shake The GTK used in the network may need to be updated due to the expiry of a preset timer. When a device leaves the network, the GTK also needs to be updated. This is to prevent the device from receiving any more multicast or broadcast messages from the AP. [2] To handle the updating, 802.11i defines a Group Key Handshake that consists of a two-way handshake: [2] The AP sends the new GTK to each STA in the network. The GTK is encrypted using the KEK assigned to that STA and protects the data from being tampered using a MIC. The STA acknowledges the new GTK and replies to the AP. [2] 2.3 Differences between WEP, WPA and WPA2 2.3.1 Encryption Methods WEP uses only one encryption method for the whole network, but in WPA, encryptions are dedicated for every user. One user has its own encryption method. 2.3.2 Authentication In WEP Authentication, it uses Open or Shared key authentication method. In WPA operates on Pre-Shared Key Method. As well as WPA uses an authentication server to validate the user and it using EAP to send all the informations to the Server. But WEP does not use any authentication server. 2.3.3 Security Protocols and Key Streams WEP uses WEP as their Security protocol. This is a primary wireless protocol that has few loop hols for attackers, in WPA use Temporal Key Integrity Management as the security protocol. WPA 2 uses bit advanced security protocol than both of the WEP and WPA. It uses Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP). WPA and WEP both use Rivest Cipher 4 as their cipher, but WPA 2 uses Advanced Encryption Standards. WEP uses 40 and 104 bits key length for the encryption key. WPA use 128 bit for the encryption and 64 bit for the Authentication. WPA2 uses 128 bit key streams for the both Encryption and the authentication. 2.3.4 Data Integrity and Key Generation WEP use Cyclic Redundancy Check 32 bit Method to check the Integrity of the data. WPA use Michael Message Integrity Code to check the integrity of data. WPA2 has CBC-MAC for that operation. WEP does the key generation by using Concatenation. In WPA used â€Å"Two phase mixing function (both TKIP and RC4)†. WPA2 doesnt require any key generation. 2.4 Security Threats Associated with Wireless Networks As Discussed above, nowadays wireless networks become more popular than the wired networks. Many organisations including Commercial Companies, Hospitals, government offices and most of the houses use wireless networks to facilitate different services. But the problem is WLAN are not 100 percent protective from attacks. 802.11x networks are vulnerable to certain attacks. There are thousands of papers and reports available in the internet that describes those kinds of attacks and security threats to WLANs. These security threats mainly target on Confidentiality, Integrity and Network availability. WLAN attacks normally divide in to 2 types. Those are â€Å"Active Attacks†andâ€Å"Passive Attacks†. Then those 2 main classes sub divided into types of attacks. 2.4.1 Active Attacks Active attacks are the most dangerous attack type. In here, hacker or the unauthorised party gain access to the system and do the modifications to the system or the message transmitting. This outcome a receiving an incorrect message stream or a file to the recipient. Active attacks result a loss of integrity of the network. Active attacks are possible to detect by using special software like packet monitors. But the problem associated with this kind of attacks are, its difficult to prevent these kinds of attacks. Active attacks can be sub categorised in to 4 Methods of attacking. Following explain those, Masquerade In here, Attacker imitates as an authorised user in the network and gains the access to the network. This kind of attacks can be happened in few ways. The first consideration is authorised user give away the password to an unknown person or a group of people. So automatically they are possible to get access to the system. The other consideration is hacker can use some software pieces to collect the passwords or access keys of authorised users. There are many methods to perform this kind of attack. Installing Key Board Activities Recording software is a very successful method to collect these kinds of informations. Reply The Attacker can monitor the transmissions of the source and destination machines and re transmit the informations as a legitimate user. So the attackers computer acts as the Source and destination accordingly, to get the actual source and Destinations informations. Reply attacks are offline attacks. The attacker first gathers all the data and then later decrypts that information. This informations could be users authentication session informations that carries WLAN password. Message Modification In here, attacker tries to modify a particular message or informations. This could results a transmitting wrong informations to the legitimate user. Denial of Service This is a very popular attack type and very easily does in a WLAN environment. The main goal of this attack is make the network unavailable to the users. it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person or people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely [wiki]. This attacks cause Loss of Network a
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